Celebrating over 50 years of Service Made Easy!
Custom Pallets, Boxes, packaging and more!
Info: (513) 738-2500 orders@schaeferbp.com
Sales: (859) 446-9436 michael@schaeferbp.com
ISPM-15 Standard
Since March of 2002, the IPPC or International Plant Protection Committee has set guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade. The ISPM-15 Standard applies to both softwood (coniferous) and hardwood (non-coniferous) packaging. Both types of wood must be heat treated to 56 degrees C for thirty minutes.
The ISPM-15 Standard is ever-changing and can be quite confusing. Call us today for the current list of countries requiring ISPM-15 and to learn how you will be affected.
ISPM-15 HT Stamp
Schaefer is a licensed ISPM-15 Heat Treatment Facility, and can help your shipments avoid big problems at international docks.
The image to the right is our
on-site kiln that can heat treat up to 600 standard size pallets
(48 x 40) in a 4-hour time period.